Tag: round tip

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sous vide round tip asada tacos. coffee. 55C 32H

This taco might be a bit different from your usual asada taco but amazing nonetheless and if you love meat and you love tacos and you love sous vide cooking… then, yes, you must try this.

By definition most asada tacos feature carne asada which is grilled or pan-seared flank steak. I didn’t have any and as much as I love flank steak I tend to take sides with the less popular tougher cuts when cooked sous vide.  Why? because they can be transformed into something that’s quite possibly superior in flavor and texture via sous vide. And you’re still within rare to medium rare range… which is just amazing. 

Yeah, that’s the thing… I love rare or medium rare steak and without sous vide cooking, it’s nearly impossible to achieve the doneness level I’m looking for when cooking these tougher cuts. You can choose to sous vide your steak to whatever level you want but most of my posts on this blog are about applying the least amount of heat to cook ingredients. Just enough to ensure the food is cooked, the texture is what I like and proper pasteurization is achieved.

Enough with this sous vide babbling.  Get your gear ready because this is extremely simple once you have all the components ready. This is not a recipe per se. More like a reference guide if you’re interested in this kind of cooking. Let’s do this. 

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coffee flavored round tip sous vide @ 55C 32h

This should be a pretty quick one guys. As you know, brining is one of my things. I’m hoping to write a whole post about brining in depth (no pun intended) soon. Today let’s keep it simple. Just grab a beautiful round tip (you probably just want a portion of it, they can be big) at your butcher shop. A good size would be 3 to 4 pounds. Trim any excess fat if need be and let’s go. 

Carne Mechada! Celebrating Venezuela and the winds of change!

I’m sure not most of you out there know about what’s happening in Venezuela. I keep my blog politics free. I’ll make an exception tonight. I will admit that I am EXTREMELY happy with the outcome of the last national assembly elections back home. I hope the 2 parties (winners and losers) figure out a way of working together to get this country out of the sink hole it currently is in.


A little context. The current economic and social crisis in the country has transformed Venezuela into one of the most violent places on the planet (sometimes more dangerous than countries that are at war). If you care to know, it also has the highest inflation rate of all the countries in the world today. This wasn’t the case 16 years ago. I hope good things are in store for the future of this beautiful country. I’m gonna celebrate it with a simple recipe that I love making and I definitely love eating. Carne Mechada!



Carne Mechada. One of the most popular Venezuelan dishes I know (I’m sure every country has their own version of shredded beef). It’s not Christmas yet, so I won’t bring up hallacas which is my all time favorite Venezuelan dish. I’ve made it off season it’s that good. Please don’t tell anyone, it’s kind of a heresy.